FIRO-B™ for self assessment
One of the worlds most commonly used tools for self assessment, FIRO-B ™ helps you understand the dynamics in groups and to develop these groups. FIRO-B ™ is targeted at you who work with development of groups, development of leaders or with recruitment and different forms of selection processes.
The theory behind FIRO-B ™
The theory behind this self assessment is called FIRO. Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation. Simple, right? Well, maybe not all that simple. Lets take a further look at the this theory that handles the maturing and development (or lack thereof) of groups and teams.
The history of FIRO
It became evident for example during the Korean war that different leadership groups onboatd the american naval vessels differed quite a bit in effectiveness. Even though they were composed of persons with identical competence and training. To find the answer to this difference in efficiency and its causes, Will Schutz, an american psychologist, performed a study requested by amongts others the american marine.
Three main phases
In his research he discovered that a group that has three different main needs that the individuals strive to meet. How well these are met determine much of the effectiveness of the group. Later these were put in a graphic model with three main phases (inclusion,, control and openess) and two resting phases in between. A group that strives for togetherness and effeciency must go through these phases in the mentioned order to achieve success.
A group that through development has reached the third phase – openess – will from time to time go back through the previous phases, for example depending on the fact that new members arrive in the group, or that a new task has fallen outside the previous framework for the group. The more mature the group is the faster it gets back to the openess phase.
Two resting phases
These two resting phases are for the group to take a breather. They are usually places of temporary feelings of contentment and relaxation, where the group can regain some energy after going through one of the main phases, and collecting strength for what is to come.
The contents of a FIRO-B ™ training
The following are examples of what is included:
An orientation regarding how FIRO-B ™ was developed and constructed
How FIRO-B ™ measures interpersonal needs and how these function
How these needs express themselves in forms of different behaviours
Tasks to work with that are both theoretical and practical
Clarifying of the connection between an individuals needs and his or her behaviour
Concrete preparations for the application of the instrument for feedback
Quick facts about FIRO-B ™
The tool, that can be an important part of your leadership training program, in later years also has become known as FIRO Element B ™. Trainings in FIRO-B ™ are facilitated by different companies around the UK.