SDI > Conflict Management

A core perspective in conflict management is that during a conflict our behaviour changes. We change our behaviour to defend our motivational value system and this results in a striving to return to our valued relating style.

When it comes to conflict management with the aid of SDI ®, one example might be where a person with the driving force of unselfish – caring, becomes a lot more assertive – direct. When you study the triangle that will appear after you have answered the inventory you will see that the starting point of the arrow marks your behaviour when all is fine and you feel at ease with yourself and the situation. The point of the arrow marks the behaviour you change to when you meet resistance and end up in conflict.

The length and direction of the arrow in regards to conflict management

The length and direction of the arrow you end up with after filling out the inventory has meaning. The longer the arrow the more clear are the changes you display in the way you act. The measurement for when an arrow is called long or short is something you will learn from your facilitator during your leadership training. A short arrow usually means that you do not display as much outwards what is going on inside you, which means it can be hard for your surroundings to interpret what you are feeling. This can be challenge in conflict management. A person with a long arrow is in this regard is more clear and easier to read. Feelings inside are then more clearly expressed for the surroundings to interpret.

The arrow can be short or long and point in different directions, but there is no arrow that is better or worse than another. In connection with your leadership training however, this can be a self insight to possess.

Inner and outer conflicts

An important question to ask when it comes to conflict management is what causes conflict for different persons? What causes for conflict are there?

Conflicts, including the individual conflict sequence, have large consequences for the achievement of individuals, groups and finally organisations. SDI brings up conflicts in a way that enables to maintain personal integrity and the finding of productive solutions that keeps the relationships intact.

When we observe other peoples behaviour we can only perceive what their intentions or opinions are. Our perception is coloured (literally speaking in this case) by our own MVS or Motivational Value System. Sometimes it is said that “the truth lies in the eyes of the beholder”.

It is these perceptions that cause inner conflict and that can lead to a need for conflict management between people.