100% Satisfaction GuaranteedQuality is important to us. We want you to feel safe when you invest in one of our online courses.

That is why we offer our Money Back Guarantee that is valid within 30 days from that you enroll in one of the courses. 

Completely Satisfied or Your Money Back

If for some reason you are not completely satisfied with the quality of the content in the courses or in some other way feel that the course does not live up to your expectations, you only need to contact us and we will arrange your refund.

You do not need to explain yourself or say why you want a refund. Of course we are interested in receiving feedback, about why the course did not live up to your expectations, but to us it is more important that you do not have to explain, unless you want to.

We are so convinced about the quality of our courses that you get to keep all downloaded material from your course.

Leadership Development with a Guarantee

We will not charge you any hidden fees related to you refund, such as administrative feeds. We want you to feel safe investing in your leadership development with 100% certainty that you will be completely satisfied with your course or get all your money back.

Our Money Back Guarantee is valid for both individuals, companies and other organisations.

If you have further questions, you are more than welcome to contact us.

Book Your Course - Risk Free!