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We can choose to view leadership training as something that we do during a few seminar days at some course or other education. We can also make the choice to live in a university of leadership training that is ongoing every day in life.

Leadership training around the clock

One of my strongest experiences as a facilitator for leadership training was at a seminar, in this case a UGL training, where one of the participants was a man that had a solid background from leading positions in the corporate world. At the time he was working with Human Resource in a large international company.

Present at this leadership training was also a woman, a mother of three. Through life she had held a variety of different jobs, some cleaning, some answering the phone and other practical doings.

At one time several days into the seminar, at a point where the participants had started to feel safe enough around each other to open up some of the pretty facades that we tend to uphold in the start of new relationships, she said she felt inferior in the group. Here were all these people with several leadership assignments behind them, what could she possibly contribute? Honestly one could also say that the other participants had been keen on exposing their different competencies as leaders to make a good impression at the start of the course.

What is leadership training really?

Then the above mentioned man speaks, him at the Human Resource department, and tells her that he can not imagine a more solid leadership training than raising three children. That includes everything, to communicate well, listen often and at the same time being able to take decisions when necessary and stand by them, handle stress and so on.

After his comments the woman lit up and for the rest of the seminar she participated in a whole different way in the group.

Leadership training in everyday life

We easily miss all the opportunities in everyday life to practice and develop our leadership. Often it is only about stopping for a moment and taking the time to reflect upon the experiences we have had so that we can conclude important learnings from these.

Then off course it can be of use to participate in some organized trainings every now and then to gather more useful information that can be used in your everyday reflections, as well as experiences and theories to frame the everyday experiences with to understand them better.

So, if you wish to grow as a leader, seize the opportunity and make every day to a new day in your personal university for leadership training.