All the texts about leadership and other topics on this site are the copyright of and the owners of this site, unless clearly expressed in conjunction with the article or text.

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The right to leadership articles

The right to articles contributed by outside authors and writers belong to that author or writer as expressed at the bottom of that article or text.

If you have any questions regarding this copyright notice or the application of it, please do not hesitate to contact us with such questions.

If you find words or images on this site that you are the copyright owner of, might it be texts on leadership, conflicts, relatiotionships or other, we kindly ask you to contact us so we can clearly credit you with your work. It is our intention to only provide materials on this site that are owned by ourselves or clearly gives credit to the legal owner.

Contribute to our leadership site

It is our intention to provide a high quality service in every way and we kindly ask for your help in doing so. If you have a text or other material that you are the legal owner of and would like to have include on our leadership site, please feel free to contact us for a discussion on how and if that can be arranged.